Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 9:00 – 15:00
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Pediatric Dentistry


Preventive dentistry in children helps to maintain the health of the patient’s gums and teeth. Prevention is particularly important for children as their teeth, oral cavity and gums are in development.

With preventive dentistry, the early diagnosis and treatment of damages in the oral cavity is achieved.


Preventive blockages are usually applied to young children to prevent any damage that can influence the teeth, such as caries. It is a thin layer of material that covers the occlusal surface of the back teeth and is used as a protector for the accumulation of germs and food debris.

Especially in young ages, this process is often considered necessary to protect the teeth.


Dental cleaning is recommended by the dentist to properly clean the teeth. Many times brushing the teeth does not clean all the parts resulting in unwanted bacterial plaque that develops into the so-called stone.

However, its aim is to prevent and remove the stone from the teeth and to avoid gum disease.


Fluoridation is performed strictly by the dentist on the surface of the teeth in the form of jelly. It is recommended to start from the age of 3-4 years old and is applied for two reasons, either for prevention or for treatment. In the case of prevention it is done when the children have not yet shown caries.

While in the case of treatment it is done when children have just begun to develop caries or are already in an advanced stage and fluoride prevents the action of germs.


The treatment of caries and pulp is a procedure that is applied in cases where the caries are at a fairly advanced stage and the germs have entered the inside of the tooth, at the point where the nerves and vessels are located, that is in the pulp.

Its aim is to maintain a healthy pulp and prevent the development of periapical inflammation. Symptoms that occur in such cases are pain in cold or sweet food and later during chewing.